Nuclear Reactors, Materials & Waste
Sector Overview
With Catawba, Oconee, H. B. Robinson and Virgil C. Summer nuclear power reactors operating in South Carolina, as well as two fuel cycle facilities, nuclear power is a mainstay in our state.
The sector includes:
- Nuclear power plants
- Non-power nuclear reactors used for research, testing, and training
- Manufacturers of nuclear reactors or components
- Radioactive materials used primarily in medical, industrial, and academic settings
- Nuclear fuel cycle facilities
- Decommissioned nuclear power reactors
- Transportation, storage, and disposal of nuclear and radioactive waste
The sector is interdependent with other critical infrastructure sectors:
- Chemical as a consumer of chemicals through the nuclear fuel cycle and at reactor sites
- Energy as a supplier of electricity to our nation’s electrical grid
- Healthcare and Public Health as a supplier of nuclear medicine, radiopharmaceuticals in the sterilization of blood and surgical supplies
- Transportation Systems Sector, through the movement of radioactive materials
Jan Geib
Sector Chief
Jeremy Reid
Sector Chief